Saturday, May 10, 2008

European Bee-eater

Seen today in Qatar.

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Sunday, April 30, 2006

Goin' Out the Bay on a Sunny Day...

Yesterday I was driving along the Corniche when I noticed an inordinate amount of water being thrown into the air. I stopped to investigate and noticed that the World Powerboat Championship was underway (naturally). The Qatar Grand Prix is happening this week, with the Middle East Grand Prix taking place next week.

I snapped a couple of photos of these spiffy little boats for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Eid Mubarak!

Eid Mubarak

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


What do you say on Eid?
Eid Mubarak

Monday, October 31, 2005


What does one do on Eid?
Pray at the mosque

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Still Counting

How many more days to go before Eid?
3/4 days

Saturday, October 29, 2005

The Night of Power

The days of Ramadan are dwindling down. There is crisp anticipation in the city for what is coming next. The shops are bustling, with people filling their carts and emptying their wallets like no other time. There are banners, coloured lights and shiny decorations. Baskets of sweets and pyramids of chocolate tempt the eager crowds. Just a little while left to wait...

While they are waiting, Muslims remember that the last part of Ramadan is even more special than the days already past.

In which part of the month is the night of Al Qadr?
In the last 10 days of Ramadan

The night of al Qadr is also known as "the Night of Power". This night takes all the good things about Ramadan and cranks it up several levels. The air fair crackles with spiritual potency.
Ramadan is a blessed month, during which "the gates to Paradise are opened and the gates of hellfire are locked". Some say that prayers have more value at this time.

If Ramadan is a super-charged month, then get ready baby, because the Night of Power is "better than a thousand months". If you have something important to pray for, this is the night to do it.

The night of al Qadr is supposed to be the same evening that the prophet Muhammed received his first revelation, so many years ago. Problem is, no one seems to know exactly when that was.

There is some uncertainty as to the exact date it occurs, but everyone seems to agree that it's in the final ten days of the month.

Halloween falls at the same time as the night of al Qadr this year, which won't happen again for a long time. If you are praying for lots of candy, you'll might get enough to last until Easter!

I tried to find some interesting nighttime shots for you. A couple of nights ago, the student council organized an international culture event on campus. Representing many countries, our students and staff shared a bit of what they love from their home. There were heaps of food (I loved the sweets from Iran!), plus lively music and a step or two of dancing. Was this the Night of Power? Maybe; it sure seemed like it.